Services include
- Coordination with portfolio companies to gather data
- Comprehensive analysis, validation, and verification of collected data against predefined data requirements
- Track performance data including financial and operating metrics at the portfolio company level, in addition to cash flow data
- Detailed investment analytics reporting including performance tracking, attribution analysis, and exposure reporting
- Tailored dashboards and reporting based on your requirements
Data management and consolidation
- Data collection, ingestion, and cleansing from a range of data sources including; underlying direct investments, fund-of-funds, and third-party data sources
- Consolidation or aggregation of underlying investment financial and performance data
- Data reporting to your systems
Portfolio monitoring
- Collation and reporting of underlying investment performance data across an entire portfolio covering direct investments, primary, and secondary fund-of-fund positions and derivatives with simple and detailed views
- Users can define their own portfolio, reporting data or period, and currency for monitoring and analysis
- Portfolio exposure analysis by sector, currency, geography, asset class, instrument type, credit rating, or other customisable metrics
- Portfolio Monitoring and comparison of performance metrics (Internal Rate of Return - net and gross, Total Value Paid In, Distributed Paid In etc.) across a user-define portfolio in real time using daily adjusted valuations
- Drill through your fund, holding and investment structure to the underlying portfolio investment and its performance
- Periodic monitoring of investments against governing documents and investment restrictions
- Monitor your portfolio against your ESG criteria or benchmarks
- Complex portfolios
Portfolio investment monitoring
- Analysis on daily exposure to a single investment across your entire portfolio
- Report financial and performance information
- Daily adjusted valuation and IRR analysis
- Tracking performance of portfolio investments against investment case, budget, or required metrics
- Cash flow management: Examine and monitor cash flows in real time and access notices directly from the interactive report; perform scenario analysis to anticipate cash flow requirements
- Fee validation: Built from the underlying agreements, including management fee, carried interest, or performance fees
- Carried interest and performance fee
- Regulatory and tailored reporting
We can build a full range of reports from any of our datasets and combine these with your datasets to produce tailored comprehensive reports which deliver insight to you and your investors. Reporting in either paginated reports, raw data files, or dynamic online dashboards. Regulatory reporting of portfolio investment positions and performance regulatory purposes e.g. Solvency II etc.