Without a central system, it can be challenging to connect global market participants for post-trade processing.
Our middle-office solutions provide standalone wraparound support to your post-trade activity.

Whether you simply require support executing a robust middle-office function, want to enhance your business continuity plan model, or wish to improve controls by outsourcing your entire back, middle, and front-office framework, we have the answer.

We administer and service clients across the spectrum, from established institutional firms to emerging boutiques, including pension funds, endowments, insurance firms, or alternative managers. We provide a flexible post-trade support solution for investment managers, new launch or established, to outsource all areas of non-core activities, or select specific modules as required.


    • Trade matching with sell-side executions and resolution of any mismatches
    • Confirmations created and sent to third parties
    • Settlements
    • Reconciliation
Is outsourcing your financial services the right choice?

Our latest survey reveals why more businesses are making the switch. From accessing top talent to cutting costs, outsourcing offers key advantages—but there are challenges to consider.  

Read on to discover the survey insights that can help you decide if outsourcing is the right move for your business. 

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Why outsourcing your financial services is a smart move: Read the latest survey insights

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