21 October, 2022

AED update on Luxembourg AIF AML/CFT requirements


The AED is stepping up in their AML/CTF supervisory role of AIFs and will be imposing new measures.

On 12 October 2022, the Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA (“AED”) updated its website to enhance the visibility behind several key AML/CFT measures being put in place for Luxembourg alternative investment funds ("AIFs") that are unregulated and not supervised by any other Luxembourg supervisory authority.

Key points:

  1. Luxembourg AIFs must submit an identification form applicable to their:

    a) AML/CFT compliance officer (Responsable du contrôle) (“RC”) ; and
    b) the person responsible for compliance with the professional obligations as regards the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (Responsable du respect) (“RR”);

  2. Luxembourg AIFs will need to submit to the AED, by 12 November 2022, their 2021 AML/CFT Questionnaire.

To support the above, the AED provided links providing guidance on both the Identification forms for RCs and RRs, as well as for the 2021 AML/CFT Questionnaire.

How Apex can support you:

  • Assistance with AML/CTF Questionnaires
  • Dedicated RC appointment
  • ESG Aligned RC’s
  • Assistance to design or review the AML/CTF framework of your AIF (AML/CTF policy/procedures, ML/TF own risk assessment, AML/CTF risk appetite statement)
  • Provide the AML/CTF training for the Board as required by the legal framework
  • ESG Compliance including SFDR and Taxonomy

Please contact us to find out how we can support your business.

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