Early measures concentrated on women's remuneration and senior-level representation, leaving the expectation of other types of diversity largely implicit. The UK recently introduced boardroom racial representation targets, and is considering provisions covering aspects such as socio-economic background. It is also emphasising the need for inclusion.
Diversity is a compliance concern at two levels, the higher one being potential breaches of anti-discrimination laws set by countries and, for its member states, the EU. Headline legislation includes the UK's Equality Act 2010 and EU directives covering race, gender and aspects such as belief, disability and sexual orientation. These form the environment in which firms and regulators operate, so that a firm can obey every regulation yet still face damaging legal action.
In December 2022, the European Commission proposed two new directives to strengthen the application of the EU's anti-discrimination law and level discrepancies between member states. The directives would set minimum standards for national bodies that uphold equality laws, giving them the ability to bring legal actions and imposing a requirement that they "promote equality duties … and positive action among public and private entities". The proposals may be a long way from becoming law, but they reflect EU institutions' direction of travel.
A "Women on Boards" directive adopted late last year must be transposed into national law by December 2024, with minimum board representation targets and board composition reporting requirements applying from June 2026. The EU Parliament and Council also reached agreement on a pay transparency directive to include gender pay gap reporting. Larger UK employers have had to evaluate and report gender pay gaps since 2018, and similar Irish rules took effect in 2022.
Financial regulation: reducing group-think
Financial regulation concerning diversity and inclusion applies in addition to statutory legal protections and has different objectives. Its underlying philosophy is that diversity, especially among senior managers, reduces group-think and promotes critical challenge. It also ensures firms reflect the composition of their workforce and the general population, improving customer service and risk oversight.
The Fourth Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) put this into regulatory form. Recital 60 said management bodies should be "sufficiently diverse as regards age, gender, geographical provenance and educational and professional background", with particular importance attached to gender balance. CRD IV required firms to have a diversity policy for management body appointments (art 91(10)), and a policy-backed target for boardroom female representation (art 88(2)(a)).
The revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) made similar requirements, and joint European Banking Authority (EBA) and European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) guidelines state that firms need a staff diversity policy to ensure a diverse pool for management appointments. The Fifth Capital Requirement Directive (CRD 5) added requirements for gender-neutral remuneration policies and benchmarking pay gaps and the EBA updated its guidelines on these rules last June.
The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) went further than the EU with policy statement PS22/3. This added Listing Rule 9.8.6(9), setting a "comply or explain" 40% female minimum requirement for boards, with at least one of the chair, chief executive, chief financial officer or senior non-executive director to be a woman. Boards must also have at least one director from a non-white minority ethnicity. Company annual financial statements must meet this from April 2023.
Anti-discrimination laws already protect a gamut of characteristics, but PS22/3 took the uncommon step for financial regulation of spelling out that firms must consider all diversity, including unprotected forms. New rule DTR 7.2.8A requires corporate governance statements to describe a company's diversity policy regarding a non-exhaustive list of characteristics that includes "educational, professional and socio-economic background", which are outside the Equality Act 2010.
DTR 7.2.8C says companies "may" provide numerical data on diversity with 7.2.8A disclosures.
"These changes are to clarify that existing disclosures on board diversity policies could consider wider diversity aspects than those currently referenced, such as sexual orientation, socio-economic background and disability, and to extend the requirement to disclose a diversity policy to include policies of key board committees: audit, remuneration and nominations," the FCA said in PS22/3.