On 17 October 2022, the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited ("HKMC") issued the publication of its Social, Green and the Sustainability Financing Framework (SGS Framework) and related Second Party Opinion.
HKMC will use the SGS Framework as the basis to structure and issue Social, Green and/or Sustainability bond(s) and asset-backed securities to support the growth of assets or projects which entail considerable environmental and/or social benefits. The net proceeds of those investments will then be allocated to support aligned with either:
- Eligible Social Asset Categories:
- Social Alleviation: SME
- Access to Essential Services
- Affordable Housing
- Access to Affordable Basic Infrastructure and Services
- Eligible Green Asset Categories:
- Renewable Energy
- Clean Transportation
- Pollution Prevention and Control
- Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management
- Green Buildings - Data Centres
- Energy Efficiency
Both categories would also be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
How Apex can support you:
- ESG Compliance
- Green KYC
- Environmental Crime Risk policies
- ESG disclosure support
- Green lending policies