The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has affected financial markets in many ways. Some securities, including some Ukrainian assets, have become illiquid or untradeable. The normal mechanisms for determining accurate and reliable valuation for some securities have either become difficult or stopped completely, and the UK FCA has therefore proposed the potential use of ‘side pockets’ for investments impacted by the war.
The key points addressed in the consultation included:
Affected assets definition |
Scope of Russian sanctions |
Proposals apply to investments that are subject to financial sanctions relating to Russia under the applicable regimes in the United Kingdom, other G7 countries and the European Union. |
Current impediment to affects assets |
Where the affected investments are a significant proportion of the fund’s assets, some funds have suspended dealing. This means that investors are unable to further invest or to redeem their units. |
FCA proposal-side pockets |
The proposal would be to allow authorised fund managers (AFM) to structure the fund using separate new classes of units to hold the affected investments, referred to as side pockets. |
Benefit of side pockets |
Side pockets could allow:
Duration and limited scope of proposals |
The proposed rules are a limited emergency measure to deal with the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The current proposal is not intended to be a longer-term regulatory change. Side pockets would only be available for:
Miscellaneous |
The consultation also sets out proposed implications for unitholder approvals, costs and charges, investor communications and transitioning to the side pocket arrangements. |
Consultation ends on May 16, 2022.